Our experience is that a loss can sometimes be prevented. See below for some preventative practices.
Outside Your Home
Clean eaves troughs and downspouts to ensure proper drainage
Repair damage on the outside of your home, including cracks or storm damage
Caulk window trim and door frames
Check your roof and flashing for repairs
Install weather stripping on exterior doors and windows
Winterize your pool or hot tub
In the Fall, turn off the water supply to outdoor taps after the taps have been left open to drain completely. Leave the taps in the open position until Spring.
Always clear snow away from the foundation of your house
Inside Your Home
Check heat-duct and water-pipe insulation
Inspect any washing machine and dishwasher hoses for cracks or leads, and clean the filters
Learn location of and how to use the water shut-off valve
Have the furnace and air conditioner professionally serviced annually
Have any chimneys cleaned annually and repaired as needed